The 10th APBC Report

The 10th APBC in conjunction with ISBI Course was held at Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel, Bali, Indonesia from August 29th – 31st, 2015. The ISBI course was attended by 122 participants and The 10th APBC was attended by 354 participants coming from 21 countries.

The 10th APBC conference consisted of 6 Plenary Lectures, 2 Lunch Symposia, 10 Satellite Symposia, 1 Panel Discussions and 7 Session of oral free paper presentation.

There were 100 free papers received by the conference and 42 papers selected as oral free paper presentation and 58 papers were presented as e-poster.

Minutes of Meeting of APBA
Dr. Nyoman Riasa gave the introductory remarks about the need to reviving the APBA organization and funding the organization from every APBC Congress. Currently there is no fund at all because there is no membership fee to collect.

Decisions taken :
1. No membership fee
2. 50% of profits of APBC to go to APBA and 50% to go to the national parent Society
3. Term of office bearers – 4 years
4. For APBC – All bids to be endorsed by the national society before submission.
5. Chairman of the Congress shall be the President of APBA for the term of 2 years.
6. Next conference – 1st to 4th April, 2017 at the Taipei International Convention Center
7. All countries to Share membership database with secretary and website in charge. It is accepted by all that office bearers will not share the database for any commercial reasons and this database shall only be used to inform members of the forthcoming events and congresses, deadlines etc.
8. Dr Riasa had modified the original Logo of APBA and it was decided to continue with this modified logo for future. A high resolution copy of the logo shall be provided to the Taiwan Organisers.
9. There was a discussion on whether APBC should be held in conjunction with wound healing society. Korea was for it; Indonesia, against it; Taiwan group was undecided so the decision was left open for the time being.
10. It was decided that APBA should be represented by a Journal. Dr Ahuja suggested that it would be better to align with an English language Journal. There are two such Journals from the Region ( Indian Journal of Burns and the Journal of Burns & Trauma). It was decided to adopt the Journal of Burns and Trauma of which Dr. Wu is the Editor, because The other journal had the name of a country in its title. Dr Ahuja would work out the details of a contract between the Journal editor and APBA office.
11. Singapore gave their bid to President Riasa for the 2019 congress. This was accepted by and large since there were no other bidders but it was felt that if any low income country expressed its intent it should be given a preference. Dr Tan was requested to submit a formal bid to the office of APBA.
12. China also professed interest in the 2019 congress but Dr Ahuja explained that China had just organised the 2005 APBC and it was also too early to award a Congress so many years in advance.
13. It was unanimously decided that Dr Vinita Puri shall be the Secretary, Dr Aditya Wardhane the Treasurer and Dr Rai Ogawa the web master.

Inauguration of the APBA during the Gala Dinner, and introduction of the new APBA President and Executive Committee

Business meeting APBA with ISBI involvement

Handing over the new logo APBA flag to Taiwan representative